Saturday, June 30, 2012


HUNTER - Today we repelled over a castle wall. Repelling was scary, but the view was worth it, and I encouraged others to do it. The view was magnificent and you could see Wales. The castle is actually not a castle, but a house.

ISAAC - Yesterday, we repelled down a castle tower that was not actually a castle. It is a mansion, I think. I'm sure everyone was at least a little nervous. When each persoon went up to the tower, we always cheered them on! I was a little nervous at first, but once I started to go down, it was AWESOME!

ERIN - The repelling down the wall was absolutely amazing! The weather was a little rainy, but when I finally got up the 80-some steps, I got a little nervous. When I finally got to the top of the tower, and they told me to start leaning back, then my legs got a little shaky. However, as soon as I got started walking down the wall, it was extremely fun!

SAM - Repelling down the castle was only scary at first. I went up the stairs of the tower thinking, "This will be easy. I'm going to fly straight down that wall." Then the persoon holding my rope said, "Lean back........."

BRAYDEN - Repelling down the castle wall was so scary but fun. The scariest part was when I had to lean back and tip toe down the wall. I wan't confident at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was really fun, and I enjoyed it. After that, we rushed to the ferry ride to Ireland. That was fun, too. They had arcades, good food, and I even saw a whale!


  1. Loving all these great postings!!!

    1. Bray, we are happy that you are having a good time. Your mother is or was very worried about you because as we read through other postings, very one was talking about the amount of fish they were eating. We know how you feel about fish. We are glad that you are taking all of this I and enjoying yourself. We cannot wait to hear more when you return.
