Saturday, June 30, 2012

The FULL ON Experience

Good Morning to yee.  Keep in mind as you read these entries, that most delegates had never repelled before, but they took to it like ducks to water. Good thing, because the weather presented its own challenges. As one guide told me, "There's no such thing as bad weather - only inappropriate clothing choices."

BTW - My computer is acting up - AGAIN! I have entered this blog three times this morning, only to lose the information before I could complete it and send. I will probably have to send a few entries at a time. ARGH!

KENNEY - (*He was the first one over the wall!) Repelling off the wall of the castle was scary at first. It was the first part of repelling off the tower where you were standing on the ledge that scared everyone. Howeer, once you started going down the wall, it turned into a lot of fun. Unfortunately for some people, they were still scared. I thought the whole experience waas really cool. But my favorite part was at the top of the tower before you started repelling when you could look around and see out t the sea and to the mountains.

ISABELLE - When i went repelling down the wall it was so much fun. It was really scary at the top when you had to go over the ledge, but I wanted to do it really badly and go out of my comfort zone. I wish I could do it again, and the idea of the FULL ON Experience is really cool, and the cheering really helped me do go over the ledge and do it!

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